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Its time to start running some time series queries using the RTDIP SDK.

  1. Using the python file you created in the previous exercise, import the necessary time series query classes from the RTDIP SDK.

  2. Pass the connector you created in the previous exercise to the time series query class.

  3. Run a Raw query to retrieve some data from your time series data source.

  4. Now run a query to Resample this data to a 15 minute interval average.

  5. Convert the resample query to an Interpolation query that executes the linear interpolation method.

  6. Finally, try running a Time Weighted Average query on the data, with Step set to False.

Additional Task

  1. The data returned from these queries is in the form of a pandas DataFrame. Use the matplotlib or plotly library to plot the data returned from the Time Weighted Average query.

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Course Progress

  • Introduction
  • SDK
    • Authentication
    • Connectors
    • Queries
  • Power BI
  • APIs
  • Excel Connector