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RTDIP SDK is a PyPi package that can be found here. On this page you can find the project description, release history, statistics, project links and maintainers.

Features of the SDK can be installed using different extras statements when installing the rtdip-sdk package:

When installing the package for only quering data, simply specify in your preferred python package installer:

pip install rtdip-sdk

RTDIP SDK can be installed to include the packages required to build, execute and deploy pipelines. Specify the following extra [pipelines] when installing RTDIP SDK so that the required python packages are included during installation.

pip install "rtdip-sdk[pipelines]"

RTDIP SDK can also execute pyspark functions as a part of the pipelines functionality. Specify the following extra [pipelines,pyspark] when installing RTDIP SDK so that the required pyspark python packages are included during installation.

pip install "rtdip-sdk[pipelines,pyspark]"


Ensure that Java is installed prior to installing the rtdip-sdk with the [pipelines,pyspark]. See here for more information.

The following provides examples of how to install the RTDIP SDK package with Pip, Conda or Micromamba. Please note the section above to update any extra packages to be installed as part of the RTDIP SDK.

To install the latest released version of RTDIP SDK from PyPi use the following command:

pip install rtdip-sdk

If you have previously installed the RTDIP SDK and would like the latest version, see below:

pip install rtdip-sdk --upgrade

To create an environment, you will need to create a environment.yml file with the following:

name: rtdip-sdk
    - conda-forge
    - defaults
    - python==3.11
    - pip
    - pip:
        - rtdip-sdk

Run the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

To update an environment previously created:

conda env update -f environment.yml

To create an environment, you will need to create a environment.yml file with the following:

name: rtdip-sdk
    - conda-forge
    - defaults
    - python==3.11
    - pip
    - pip:
        - rtdip-sdk

Run the following command:

micromamba create -f environment.yml

To update an environment previously created:

micromamba update -f environment.yml

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Course Progress

  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Prerequisites
    • Architecture
    • Getting Started
      • Prerequisites
      • Installation
      • Exercise
  • SDK
  • Power BI
  • APIs
  • Excel Connector