Course Prerequisites
Before you begin the course, ensure you obtain the following prerequisites(from your istructor or from your environment if you are doing this on your own):
Development Environment
- Python >=3.9,<=3.12
- An IDE such as Visual Studio Code or PyCharm
- Postman via the app, web browser or as an extension on Visual Studio Code
System Requirements
- A Cluster for executing Spark SQL - If using Databricks, this would typically be a Databricks SQL Warehouse and its associated connection details:
- Server Hostname
- HTTP Path
- Access to Power BI
Data Requirements
- Access to a time series table that has, as a minimum:
- An identifier column
- A timestamp column
- A value column
Course Progress
- Introduction
- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Architecture
- Getting Started
- Power BI
- APIs
- Excel Connector