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Getting Started

Note: Although the images reference windows, all the functionality will work on mac.

To get started, open up Microsoft Excel and go to the Home tab. On the right you should see the RTDIP Taskpane like this (if not, you may need to click Add-ins):


Once opened, the set-up screen will show and will ask for your API URL. This will be the same URL as in the previous lessons in the format https://YOUR_ORGANISATION_DOMAIN/api/v1

After this, you should see our friendly taskpane (you are now completely set-up and ready to make some queries!):


Let's move onto the next section:

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Course Progress

  • Overview
  • SDK
  • Power BI
  • APIs
  • Excel Connector
    • Overview
    • Getting Started
    • Exercise: Exploring the Taskpane
    • Exercise: Exploring the Functions
    • Exercise: Creating a Simple Dashboard with Live Data