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Exercise: Creating a Simple Dashboard with Live Data

All the functions (except Metadata) are capable of refreshing at a set interval with the refreshIntervalSeconds parameter.

For our final exercise, we will put everything together and create a simple dashboard.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a query for a tag that has live updating data and put the end date as the future (or now via *).
  2. Create a scatter or line chart with your data.
  3. Either with the taskpane Advanced Parameters or by editing your formula, set refreshIntervalSeconds to a number (min value 10).
  4. Watch your chart update with live data.


Note: Currently, if you require excel to recognise dates on plots you will need to do =VALUE(your_date_cell).

Additional Task

Look at the dashboard and you will see which functions are streaming and which are not - it is always a good idea to check this in case you have any stray functions running.

That's the end of this lesson - if you have any feedback about the Excel Add-in we'd love to hear it!

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Course Progress

  • Overview
  • SDK
  • Power BI
  • APIs
  • Excel Connector
    • Overview
    • Getting Started
    • Exercise: Exploring the Taskpane
    • Exercise: Exploring the Functions
    • Exercise: Creating a Simple Dashboard with Live Data